On Monday, 11 members of Arizona’s Electoral College will meet at the state capitol where they’ll cast their ballot for President-elect Donald Trump.
It started the day after the Election.
Members of the state’s Electoral College have been swamped with e-mails, letters… even Christmas cards from voters pleading with them to cast their ballot for anyone other than Donald Trump. Those pleas are mostly falling on deaf ears.
Robert Graham is the chairman of the Arizona Republican Party and an elector himself. When asked who he’ll vote for on Monday he said, "Donald J Trump without any hesitation."
And, it seems, he’s not alone. Sharon Giese is also a member of the Electoral College.
"I am a Trump supporter," she said. "I have been from the primary and I have no intention at all of changing my vote. I will be voting for Donald Trump."
Giese has been on the recieving end of those pleas.
"I usually wake up to well over a thousand every morning and they keep coming constantly," she said.
But Giese isn’t swayed.
"I get a lot of them, vote your conscience," she explained. "Well, my conscience is to vote for Donald Trump."
And both Graham and Giese are on the same page when it comes to what they think of those requests.
"I just think what a waste of time this is," Giese said. "They’re wasting my time and they’re wasting their time."
But this shouldn’t come as a surprise, to anyone, because not only did Graham appoint the state’s Electoral College members, he said this:
"They signed a pledge that they would vote for the President-Elect if he became the president, obviously its non-binding but it’s a big step for somebody to put their word on paper."
Graham may leave his position at the state GOP after Monday. He’s been in talks with the President-elect’s transition team about a possible role in his new administration