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Family-Friendly Streaming Provider To Offer Added Filtering

Subscribers who want their streaming content to be more “family friendly” can now buy a playback filter which keeps content free of potentially offensive language.

Sometimes called a Netflix for Christians, Scottsdale-based PureFlix.com is partnering with Salt-Lake City-based ClearPlay Inc. for playback technology that filters streaming content.

PureFlix.com's target audience will now be able to watch a wider-range of videos, because the filtering technology will edit out any language deemed offensive, company CEO Greg Gudorf said.

"There is the occasional show where a word such as a damn or a hell will slip into the conversational flow,” Gudorf said.

Gudorf said some of their audience is more strict about language, wanting to filter certain words out.

The filter works like closed captioning, where words are anticipated and certain language gets muted by the software. Gudorf points out this new service will not edit content or change it in any way, allowing the original form of the show to play, without facing licensing problems that come with editing content that other companies have faced.

Earlier in December, four major film studios including Twentieth Century Fox and Disney secured a temporary court order shutting down Utah-based VidAngel, also a family friendly streaming service, charging VidAngel violated copyrights by applying an edit to any unwanted content such as blasphemy, nudity, racism and violence. VidAngel’s founder has filed an appeal.

Heather van Blokland was a host at KJZZ from 2016 to 2021.