A letter Monday from several U.S. dairy farmers, including a group from Arizona, accused Canada of unfair trade practices.
The United Dairymen of Arizona is one of the groups pushing back against what they said are Canadian policies limiting imports of U.S. dairy products.
In the letter, 17 dairy associations are asking governors in 25 states to urge Canadian policymakers to stop heavy subsidies of Canadian dairy products.
Canada is poised to produce more milk domestically, importing far less dairy from the U.S. with pricing support from the Canadian government.
U.S. dairy farmers said the subsidies are unfair on a global scale.
Signed letters have been sent to Gov. Doug Ducey and other governors, as well as to President Donald Trump.
The U.S. farmers and trade associations accuse Canada of protectionist policies and violating NAFTA, and “deliberately and systematically damaging” U.S. trade.
Letter to governors courtesy of the National Milk Producers Federation.