If the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the phrase "Native American fashion" is buckskin and turquoise, there’s a lot more to it.
In fact, there is a growing community of Native American fashion designers that are creating original work across the country. And Jessica Metcalfe created a space for them to showcase and sell their work when she started the online store Beyond Buckskin.
Now she’s in Phoenix to share some of her entrepreneurial knowledge with other Native American startups. And The Show’s Lauren Gilger joins us now with more on this.
Metcalfe is here to help launch the Inno-Nations Tribal Business Collision Community, a first-of-its kind incubator for Native American entrepreneurs. Inno-Nations will be housed at The Department co-working space in downtown Phoenix and its goal is to create an innovative community that helps to build economic development for tribal nations and urban American Indians.
I spoke with Jessica Metcalfe about this effort as well as Traci Morris, director of the American Indian Policy Institute at ASU, which is sponsoring the new incubator.
Metcalfe will be participating in a Native American fashion eventon March 4 at The Department called "Protection in All Directions: Fashion & Resistance Awareness." The event will also include designers OXDX and Grownup Navajo. You can get tickets here.