Parents who fail to keep up with their child support payments may not lose their driver’s license after all.
Current law requires a judge to suspend the driving privileges of someone who has willfully failed to make payments for at least six months. Only when that person is once again current, can their license be reinstated.
The problem with that, according to the bill’s sponsor, is that it’s self-defeating. The Department of Economic Security supports the measure. Katy Ber is a lobbyist with the agency.
"It is just another enforcement tool that allows that non-custodial parent to continue working while still having meaningful involvement with their children, with parenting time, and also furthering their education and continuing to work to be able to support those children," Ber said.
The option of a restricted license versus suspension is available to someone working at least 30 hours a week and has a place of employment or attends school that’s at least a mile from their home.