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Artist Creates Billboard With Trump, Swastika-Like Symbols

Donald Trump
(Photo by Patrick Allen Traylor of Trayart Media & Production Services)
A new billboard on Grand Avenue in Phoenix shows President Trump.

A new billboard on Grand Avenue in downtown Phoenix is creating waves across the country.

It depicts a scowling President Donald Trump surrounded by red, atom bomb clouds and swastikas configured as dollar signs.

President Trump is wearing a Russian flag pin on his lapel.

Images of the billboard went viral over the weekend, and, now the artist who created it, ASU graduate Karen Fiorito, is receiving death threats.

This wasn’t the first billboard she’s done that’s garnered some attention.

In 2004, she partnered with the owners of the billboard another time to create a billboard depicting then-President George W. Bush and some of his top officials. It said “Dear America, We lied to you for your own good. Now trust us.”

So she said when she started planning this billboard, she wanted to speak out against what she sees as the beginning of a fascist regime in Washington.

Lauren Gilger, host of KJZZ's The Show, is an award-winning journalist whose work has impacted communities large and small, exposing injustices and giving a voice to the voiceless and marginalized.