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Arizona-Grown Melon Prices Higher Than Usual

Fourth of July weekend — a good time for selling fireworks, flag-themed clothing and watermelons. Arizona melon prices are well above normal for the summer crowd.

While that may not be so great for consumers, it’s a boon for Central Arizona growers who are right now harvesting watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydews.

Cantaloupes and honeydews especially are selling a few dollars higher than usual at market, due to what the U.S. Department of Agriculture says is a very light supply.

That could be because Mexico’s growing season ended early or because Eastern states that grow melons had poor crop conditions.

Tim Aldrich manages watermelon sales for Dimetri Gardikas Produce and says Arizona’s growing season came when market prices were high.

“That can affect the person buying the melon at the retail level, but it’s good for the grower just because the grower gets paid more money for his watermelons," Aldrich said. "It doesn’t always work that way.”

Aldrich said watermelons in June were selling for about 20 to 24 cents a pound.

Casey Kuhn was a senior field correspondent at KJZZ from 2015 to 2019.