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Disgruntled Arizona Voters Could Find Relief Participating At Reprecincting Level

If you're among those complaining about the political climate these days, and think your chance to change it won't come until the general election, you're not thinking narrowly enough.

Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes said it's the five upcoming Reprecincting meetings where voters can begin to make the biggest impact.

It sounds counterintuitive to think so small, but he said it's at the micro-level where changes hit closest to home.

In the upcoming fall election, for instance, "We're going to have over a million ballots going out deciding bonds and overrides benefitting water districts or sanitation districts, benefitting students in a couple dozen different school districts," Fontes said.

Sure, he said, it's technically the lowest government level, but it's also where he said one person can have a much bigger influence.

"Because a lot of people don't participate," he said. Which means "you get involved at that level, your singular voice is going to count for a lot more."

Fontes said voters can start voicing their opinion at any of the five upcoming Reprecincting meetings. The first of five held in each Supervisor District begins Sept. 5, when they'll discuss new boundary lines, identify communities with common interests, possible future polling sites, precinct names and justice caseloads.

Voters can attend the meeting in their own precinct or attend one in another district.

Holliday Moore was a reporter at KJZZ from 2017 to 2020.