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Business Aviation Community Transports Supplies To Houston Area

A group of volunteers from the business aviation community has begun providing relief efforts to the Houston area for tropical storm Harvey. AERObridge began transporting medicine and other supplies to the surrounding areas on Monday. It is in the process of collecting donated goods at Ross Aviation at the Scottsdale Airport.

Alan Staats is the VP of Logistics with AERObridge.

“We’ll do the needs if we have any space left over we’ll do as many of the wants as we can, but the needs are what gets met first," Staats said.

Staats suspects the group will be helping the area recover for at least a month but adds volunteers will stay down as long as needed. Requests from the area have been made for mosquito repellent and tarps among other items.

Ashley Carter was an intern at KJZZ in 2017 and 2018.