In January, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released an unclassified summary of federal and local law enforcement agencies detailing Russian plans to influence the 2016 election. In September, the Department of Homeland Security notified the chief election officer in 21 states, including Arizona, that election equipment was targeted by hackers.
Turns out, as reported by the Arizona Republic on Tuesday, foreign cyber attacks were targeted only on the Phoenix library's databases. And though that was a relief — no election equipment or lists were targeted or breached, Secretary of State Michele Reagan told the Republic, "We all just kind of walked away not really having any answers."
With 2018 midterms looming and the public still unsure about the safety of election equipment, two U.S. senators, Sens. Martin Heinrich of New Mexico and Susan Collins of Maine, have introduced legislation to boost the cyber defenses of state election systems, including an a feature where members of the public try and hack the system on their own.
We've got one of those senators, Democratic Sen. Heinrich of New Mexico on the line to talk about their SAVE Act legislation.