It’s been more than 50 years since Congress passed the Equal Pay Act. It requires employers give men and women equal pay for equal work.
Today, women are still paid less than men overall, and while explanations vary from career choices to discrimination, there’s another are being addressed in Tempe.
In 2012, the American Association of University Women released a study that explored earning differences among recent college graduates. After controlling for college majors, job titles, hours worked, and other factors, the report found women working full-time were paid 7 percent less than their male peers one year after college graduation.
It found a gender difference in willingness and ability to negotiate salary could be one explanation. The group is working with Tempe to offer free negotiation training classes to anyone who lives, works or studies in the city.
Online registration for November and December workshops is required on Tempe’s website. The goal is to train at least 8,000 women in five years.