A first-term state lawmaker wants to curb the ability of those accused of sexual harassment or rape to buy the silence of their victims.
Republican Rep. Maria Syms' proposal said that any agreement that “restricts the disclosure of factual information that is related to an allegation of or attempted sexual assault'' be contrary to state policy.
She called such deals a “sexual predator loophole.”
"We're not going to enforce these agreements because they fly in the face of our state's overriding interest in public safety and making sure these sexual predators can't pay their way out of liability or shield themselves from public view," Syms said.
If a victim does enter into such an agreement, the measure would protect that person should they eventually come forward. The alleged perpetrator could not cry fowl or revoke the deal.
However, if the person is an elected official, there would be no opportunity to even propose a non-disclosure agreement.