Tempe could join Valley cities such as Phoenix and Glendale in adopting a so-called anti-tethering law for dogs.
Tempe City Council will vote on a new ordinance this week that would ban residents from leaving their dogs tied up outside without supervision.
The ordinance allows owners to tie dogs to a pulley or swiveling system while they can be supervised. It also bans tying up dogs during extreme weather conditions.
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“If someone is going to be having their dog on a tether in their home in their house we’d rather they use a safe procedure to tether the dog, not just tie a dog to a rope and have the dog risk being choked,” said Councilwoman Lauren Kuby who helped develop the proposal after a town hall on animal protection.
For example, a dog tied to a stake in the ground with a choke collar would violate the ban.
Kuby said the law protects animals and neighbors who live nearby because tied dogs can bark loudly and become aggressive. Tempe Police will enforce the law if it’s passed at a Tempe City Council meeting Thursday.
“Previously they had to determine whether specific neglect or abuse laws applied before they could intervene, but when your dog is tethered it could be a long-term behavioral change that results,” Kuby said.
The maximum fine for violating the law is a $500 fine, but offenders could decrease that through community service or a diversion program.