Real estate is getting more expensive as values steadily increase nationwide. And that makes investment in real-estate more appealing to some.
One Valley-based business is banking on further appreciation.
Phoenix-based Healthcare Trust of America is the nation’s largest owner-operator of medical office buildings.
HTA spent $2.73 billion buying properties in 2017, making up almost 40 percent of its now $7 billion portfolio.
Ron Kuykendall is with Nareit, an association that represents real estate investment trusts.
“We have a kind of saying, that real estate houses the economy...Your house houses yourself, your family, all your things. Commercial real estate really houses the economy,” he said.
Kuykendall said an aging population is forcing healthcare providers to offer more services and keeps hospitals growing.
He also notes that while growth in medical-related real estate is strong, the technology sector and its related real-estate investments far out-performed others.