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What Immigration Policies Can U.S. Senate Agree On?

Three bills that offered solutions for legalizing DACA recipentants all failed in the Senate on Thursday, including a bill co-authored by Arizona Sen. John McCain and Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware.

That bill offered border security measures but no money for a border wall, and so Republicans backed off support when word of a possible President Donald Trump veto came down.

Republican Susan Collins of Maine floated her “Common Sense Caucus” idea, which failed without majority backing from Republicans, and Chuck Grassley, Republican senator from Iowa tried out his bill, but it failed to garner a majority of the Democrats.

What were in these bills and what policies can the Senate agree on — if any at all?

Nathan Kasai is policy adviser at The Third Way, a center-left Democratic Think Tank.

For reaction on what the failed Senate bills mean to individual DACA recipients is Karina Ruiz, Arizona Dream Act Coalition executive director.

Steve Goldstein was a host at KJZZ from 1997 to 2022.