Every year, Canal Convergence brings a large-scale, interactive public art project to the Scottsdale Waterfront. The latest exhibition opened last week, and it features a massive, flowing kite-like work that hangs over the canal and above Soleri Bridge.
This coming November, another large scale project will be unveiled there. This one will look like an oversized piece of handwoven lace that will meander in and about the water. It’s a design that was cooked up by Boston-based architecture firm Choi + Shine Architects. They’re a married couple — Jin Choi and Thomas Shine. She’s originally from South Korea, and he’s from the U.K., but they came up with the design of this sculpture after driving around Arizona.
The sculpture will reflect the beauty of the land here, they told The Show's Lauren Gilger when she met them at this weekend’s Canal Convergence. They were there to enlist the help of the community in the making of the project. They’re looking for people who can crochet to help create the lace that will be on display.
To help, contact them here on their website choishine.com/arizona.