The legal team for a Mexican reporter and his son detained after fleeing to the U.S., trying to seek asylum, says the U.S. government is now trying to stifle further information from being released to the public.
Emilio Gutierrez and his teenage son fled to El Paso, Texas in 2008 after soldiers from Mexico’s army threatened him over his reporting. They were ordered to be held earlier this year and locked up in a detention center even as advocates argued not only for their release but for their asylum from Mexico.
Now, those advocates say the U.S. government has clamped down on new information about their case from coming out.
"We of course opposed that and the judge issued an order without even waiting to hear from us," said Penny Venetis, director of the international human rights clinic at Rutgers Law School.
Gutierrez has been backed by numerous journalism organizations and the El Paso Catholic bishop.