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How Arizona Businesses Are Becoming More Inclusive

Some Phoenix area business leaders are vowing to push the next governor and legislators to amend Arizona’s anti-discrimination laws. While several cities have ordinances that protect people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender from discrimination, there is no state law.

That distinction, along with our state’s history and national reputation, were the focus of a panel discussion held late last month. The panel was part of the 2nd Annual LGBTQ Business Summit, organized by ONE Community — that’s a business coalition that supports diversity, inclusion and equality.

The panel included representatives from a variety of sectors. They were pretty candid. One of the most open panelists was John Graham. He’s president and CEO of Sunbelt Holdings, a real estate developer.

Graham said about two years ago he joined Angela Hughey, co-founder of ONE Community, and others to pay a visit to Gov. Doug Ducey. They wanted him to sign an executive order that would protect people from being fired based on their sexual orientation or identity. Graham said they were unsuccessful, but they’re not quitting.

As a senior field correspondent, Christina Estes focuses on stories that impact our economy, your wallet and public policy.