As Chandler focuses on bringing more retail, restaurants and offices downtown, leaders also want to keep it car friendly.
The city recently held a ribbon cutting ceremony atop a five-story garage. It’s Chandler’s first downtown garage on the west side of Arizona Avenue and part of the Overstreet development, a $25 million project that will feature a theatre, shops and restaurants.
“These additional spaces will continue Chandlers tradition of providing free parking,” said Mayor Jay Tibshraeny in a prepared statement.
The Overstreet garage features 350 spaces that are available 24 hours a day. The city also launched a free downtown shuttle service called the “Wave.”
Operating Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 5 to 9 p.m., the shuttle service will pick up people from the new garage and three others nearby and take them to downtown destinations.
The city’s budget also includes nearly $500 million to improve downtown streets.