Phoenix leaders are being asked to increase water rates 12 percent over the next two years.
The city’s water department says it needs to spend $1.515 billion over the next five years to cover infrastructure improvements.
On Tuesday, the City Council will be asked to start the process to hike rates. Then, a public hearing and final vote could take place in December.
The Water/Wastewater Rate Advisory Committee voted unanimously to increase rates 6 percent in 2019 and six percent in 2020.
According to a city report, Phoenix water rates are among the lowest compared to other large cities. Over a 12-month period, it finds the average water bill for a single family home $36 a month. That does not include wastewater, trash and other fees that make up a city services bill.
Over the next five years, Phoenix expects to spend:
- Approximately $525 million on pipelines.
- Approximately $185 million on surface water treatment plants.
- $145 million on water pump stations and pressure-reducing valves.
- Around $55 million on reservoirs and other storage.
- $105 million on other system needs, including technology and security.