A justice advocacy organization based in Mexico City is trying to locate migrants who were illegally detained in Arizona by former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
The group is helping to connect those migrants to a compensation fund.
At least 180 victims of the unjust detentions may qualify for restitution between $500 to $10,000 out of a total $500,000 account paid for by Maricopa County taxpayers.
Evy Peña, communications director with the Center for Migrant Rights (Centro De Los Derechos Del Migrante) based in Mexico City, said compensation is determined by the amount of time someone was detained illegally.
“The baseline is $500, if the person was held from 20 minutes up to an hour. After the first hour, claimants can be awarded $35 for every additional 20 minutes of detention.”
Claims may be filed by Dec. 3 online at www.MaricopaSheriffCompensationFund.org, or www.FondoDeCompensacionDelSheriffDeMaricopa.org or by calling 1-844-500-6327.