A new study will examine Interstate 10 between Phoenix and Casa Grande. The study will be led by the Maricopa Association of Governments in partnership with the Gila River Indian Community and the Arizona Department of Transportation.
The study will examine potential travel capacities, upgrades to bridges and interchanges, a possible additional traffic interchange at Seed Farm Road and more.
Eric Anderson, executive director of MAG, said respecting the sovereign rights of the Gila River tribe was an important part of the agreement.
“Rather than starting the study, then ask for the Gila River to participate, we thought it would be much more appropriate to form a partnership on the front end of the project to get their concurrence that improvements are needed in I-10 and invite their participation in the study," Anderson said.
Anderson said MAG has allocated about $65 million for improvements to the portion of I-10 in Maricopa County. The study is expected to take 18 months.