The City of Glendale is replacing its street lights and is expected to save hundreds of thousands of dollars each year.
Following a switch to LED lights in June, Glendale received a rebate check for more than $500,000 for reducing its energy consumption.
David Beard is a city engineer with the city and says there is a huge payoff with the decreased energy cost.
“In fact, once we started the project, including the rebate we got from APS, and we recycled the old lights, with the energy and maintenance savings, we will pay for this project in five to six years," Beard said.
Beard also said before the switch, the city of Glendale paid around $2 million annually in electric costs. With the LED streetlights, the city will see an annual savings of more than $500,000. The LED lights are expected to last 20 years which is 3 times the life of the old lights.