A pilot program intended to increase vaccinations among public school children may have had the opposite effect.
The state department of health conducted a pilot test in 16 public schools.
Parents at half of those schools were shown an educational video on the effects of not vaccinating children, while the other half did not watch a video.
Those that did see the video were more often to opt out of vaccinating their child than those that did not see it.
"As the data has shown, this pilot didn't produce the results that we were looking for," said Colby Bower with the Arizona Health Department. He went on, "It's time to reevaluate and readjust and figure out how we can move the needle."
The "needle" is the percent of children starting school with state required vaccinations.
Colby said the "herd effect," the point, at which a group is declared protected from disease, can happen only when 95 percent or more of the individuals have had vaccinations.
Statewide last year, Arizona school communities fell below that margin.