If you were planning to get a flu shot, it’s not too late — and now the Arizona Department of Health has a better idea of where we’re headed this flu season after the latest report.
The first official month of flu season came in with 127 confirmed cases around the state.
While it helps to look ahead, lead epidmeologist Dr. Eugene Livar reminds us "the only thing predictable about the flu season is that it’s unpredictable.”
Looking back at last week, he confirmed influenza B appeared 62 percent of the time — up from 50 percent from the week prior.
The highly contagious A strain — known as H1N1 — showed up in at least 26 percent of the cases.
Both types of shots now offered should help protect against these strains, he said.
“If they do get the flu, it will be a reduced severity and so they won’t be as impacted. But, there are other respiratory illnesses and viruses that can mimick the flu," said Livar.
Livar says the season usually peaks twice and can last into summer. So, getting a flu shot is never too late.