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Mesa Mulls Dockless Bike, Scooter Regulations

Ofo bikes
Carol Harvey/KJZZ
Ofo dockless bikes parked in the Valley in March 2018.

Valley cities are increasingly looking at new rules for scooters and bicycles you rent with a smartphone.

Mesa council told staff this week to draft regulations for the vehicles that could be voted on in early 2019.

Mesa Transportation Department Director RJ Zeder says where the vehicles are parked when someone isn't riding them can be the source of problems.

“Because it’s dockless, literally folks could leave the bikes and now scooters anywhere,” Zeder said.

Sometimes they’re abandoned on private property or block sidewalks and entrances to businesses.

ASU and the University of Arizona have both banned electric scooters from their campuses.

The rules could include an annual license and fees for having to relocate or impound the vehicles.

“We’re not looking to make money off the scooter companies,” Zeder said.

The money would pay to help manage the vehicles within the city.

Zeder says companies such as Lime and Bird have been cooperative with the city.

Phoenix and Scottsdale have recently adopted their own regulations and Tempe is also considering rules for dockless bikes and scooters.

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Mariana Dale was an assistant digital editor and senior field corrsepondent at KJZZ from 2016 to 2019.