Nearly five years after the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) altered the flight paths in and out of Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, the agency is once again hosting workshops to address questions and concerns about flight paths around the Valley.
The workshops are a requirement from a 2017 settlement of a lawsuit over noise in the area. The FAA was ultimately ordered to revert back to the pre-2014 flight paths for the westerly departure routes over some historic neighborhoods.
"Our goal in holding these workshops is to get as much public participation as possible," said Ian Gregor who is with the FAA. "And we’ve had an excellent turn out … I think about 70 people on Monday and 140, 150 last night and we’re getting a variety of different comments."
Gregor says some of the residents who turned out were happy with the changes made, while others would like to see the FAA make additional changes.
The meetings are focusing on other flight paths around the Valley and not those nine westerly departure routes.
The last meeting will be held Wednesday at Cesar Chavez High School in Laveen.