Reversing course, state senators agreed to give a Gilbert teen one more chance to make his case that lemonade is the best drink to represent Arizona.
But they deny it's because the sponsor of the bill, the number two Republican in the House, has put the squeeze on them.
House Majority Leader Warren Petersen from Gilbert told Capitol Media Services that he was not going to simply accept defeat.
"I talked to some people,'' he said following Wednesday's 18-12 vote to kill HB 2629.
On a voice vote Thursday, the Senate agreed to reconsider the issue — at some point in the future.
As majority leader, Petersen holds certain powers to help decide what bills do and do not get a vote.
Petersen agreed to sponsor HB 2629 after Gilbert teen Garrett Glover realized Arizona had official state insignia tied to four of the five Cs of Arizona — copper, cattle, cotton and climate — but citrus was left out.
Petersen said he's not the only one applying a bit of pressure to convince the state senators.
"I know that the young man is calling members, too, as well, to try to get them to reconsider,'' he said.
In past years, the legislature has designated an official state dinosaur, butterfly, firearm and even neckwear.
"A little boy in a classroom, trying to learn about civics, brought it," House Speaker Rusty Bowers said. "Mr. Petersen would like that known.''
Thursday's Senate action does not commit lawmakers to immediately voting for lemonade as the state drink, but simply sets the stage for a new vote whenever Senate President Karen Fann decides to bring the issue to the floor.