As temperatures are heating up, scorpion encounters are on the rise again, but according to experts, your chances of meeting one are more likely inside your home than outside.
Most people are prone to watching for scorpions while hiking, but according to experts, they should be watching for them in their hallways.
There are 40 to 50 species of scorpion that reside in the Sonoran Desert but Arizona’s most prevalent is the bark scorpion. It’s the most venomous in the U.S. This time of year is when they come out of hibernation. During the summer, a scorpion’s favorite habitat is your home.
Last year, more than 6,500 people called the Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center with questions about scorpion stings.
Maureen Roland is a registered nurse with the center. She said scorpions enjoy the food and temperature of your house, as well as other amenities.
“I think a lot of people have the misconception that they don’t like water, but they do. They can actually live underwater for up to two days, so if you see them floating in your swimming pool, make sure you don’t try and scoop them out with your hand,” Roland said.
If you end up getting stung, Roland said to call the Poison and Drug Center right away.