Phoenix police have put out a report detailing their side of an incident that led a family to file a $10 million notice of claim against the department. The incident was captured on video and involves a 5-months-pregnant mother.
The claim alleges the family’s civil rights were violated when officers pointed guns and profanely shouted commands at parents Dravon Ames and Iesha Harper. Ames said in the claim filed in court Wednesday that officers threw him against a vehicle, and kicked his leg so hard that he collapsed. Phoenix Police Chief Jeri Williams addressed the video in a message sent out over Facebook on Friday.
“I, like you, am disturbed by the language and the actions of our officer," Williams said. "I assure you that this incident is not representative of the majority of Phoenix police officers who serve this city."
The police report released Friday said officers saw Ames reach toward the center of his vehicle before they pulled their weapons and ordered him out of the car and that Harper refused to comply with commands.