With the arrival of the monsoon season comes an increase in blowing dust. And an increase in blowing dust can lead to serious crashes along Interstate 10. The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality is reduce blowing dust treating segments by the I-10 corridor with soil stabilizers.
Daniel Czecholinski, acting air quality division director for ADEQ, said the environmentally friendly stabilizer is reactivated by rain to prevent blowing dust and provide a safer and healthier route for motorists.
“We're stabilizing open desert along I-10 in Pinal County to reduce blowing dust during high-wind events. That will improve motorists safety and traveling between Tucson and Phoenix, and will also reduce exposure for residents in the area with respiratory issues,” Czecholinski said.
ADEQ said that soil stabilizers have been added to several areas along I-10 on the northside of Casa Grande near West McCartney Road and just south of the community of Picacho Peak.
In addition to the application of the stabilizers, ADEQ also is funding a team of researchers from the University of Arizona to determine the effectiveness of soil stabilizers, combined with a mulch created from landscape materials, for reducing blowing dust on an additional 3 acres in the area.
According to ADEQ, to date, a total of 155 acres have been treated with soil stabilizers.