UPDATE: Aug. 28, 7:18 p.m.
The latest numbers show clear victories for opponents of two ballot initiatives in Phoenix. As of late Wednesday, Phoenix had counted 186,733 ballots.
Proposition 105 would have stopped future light rail extensions in Phoenix and required the city to spend some money earmarked for light rail on other transportation projects. Proposition 106 would have limited city spending and required nearly all surplus revenue go toward paying long-term pension debt until it was 90% funded.
Here’s the breakdown based on propositions:
About 9,000 ballots remain which include early and provisional ballots. The City Clerk’s Office said some ballots in question which may not be valid. Results are not final until all ballots have been processed and the council canvasses the vote totals during a formal meeting.
Aug. 27
Opponents of two Phoenix ballot propositions are celebrating. Preliminary results show a proposition to stop light rail expansion failing by almost 25 percentage points and a proposition that would change city spending based on pension funding failing by more than 30 percentage points.
As of late Tuesday night, the city had 15,000 early ballots that needed to be validated and processed. Total ballots cast were approximately 180,636, which is the highest number of ballots cast in a Phoenix special election involving only ballot measures.
What Proposition 105 Vote Means
It looks like Phoenix will keep moving forward with three light rail extensions: from Central Avenue downtown into south Phoenix, from downtown west to the state Capitol, and northwest from 19th Avenue and Dunlap to Metrocenter mall.
While claiming victory Tuesday night, Mayor Kate Gallego acknowledged light rail critics and skeptics.
“We’re committed to working with stakeholders along the existing light rail as well as the future extensions,” she said. “We want to learn what is working well and how we can do better.”
What Proposition 106 Vote Means
The other proposition would limit most spending until public pensions are 90% funded. Proposition supporters said Phoenix has been kicking the can down the road while opponents argued the city has made changes and continues to meet its financial obligations.
Gallego said Proposition 106 would impact quality of life because there wouldn’t be extra money for parks and libraries.
“We are committed to making our obligations but we asked the voters to give us a chance to do it in a way that allows us to invest in multiple priorities at once,” she said. “We are a great city and we have to be able to do multiple things at once.”
Councilman Sal DiCiccio, a supporter of both propositions, issued the following statement Tuesday night:
“Like many of you, I am disappointed to see tonight’s election results. I want to thank everyone who worked on these initiatives and who helped share our message throughout the city. You have my commitment that I will continue to fight for accountability and fiscal responsibility at the City of Phoenix. Together we will make Phoenix the best city in the country.”
The City Clerk's Office said, "As with all previous city elections, this process can take several more days to complete. Ballots remaining to be counted include those early ballots dropped off at voting centers and ballots received in the mail on Monday and Tuesday."