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Arizona Installing New Hardware To Combat Voter Registration Cyber Attacks

Arizona has a new system in place to combat cyber-attacks during the next elections.

This week the Arizona Secretary of State’s Office unveils its new hardware built for securing voter registration equipment.  

“It is a priority of this office, the secretary of state and all of our elected county recorders’ offices around the state to ensure the security of our voter registration database,” Assistant Secretary of State Allie Bones said. ​

At 13 of the smaller counties, she said recorders’ offices were having trouble with hardware, including backups, failing. She has assured the new system is custom-made.

“It’s built to be in line with our laws, and what our voters need. And, so it is a much better, more functionally appropriate system for voter registration management in the state of Arizona,” Bones said.

Pima and Maricopa, the state’s two largest counties, were not plagued by the same connection and reliability issues.

Installation and testing on the new system should be completed well ahead of the deadline to register to vote in the Democratic presidential primary on Feb. 18.

Holliday Moore was a reporter at KJZZ from 2017 to 2020.