While the Supreme Court decides the fate of DACA recipients, an Arizona Hispanic rights group says the immigrants have faced enough uncertainty in their lives.
The high court heard first arguments Tuesday morning on the Trump administration’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.
While one side said the Trump administration failed to give its reasoning, the other said the Obama administration took the same liberties when founding the program.
Petra Falcon is head of Promise Arizona, a nonprofit immigration advocacy group. She said she hopes the court will rule on the humanitarian issues rather than party lines.
“They came to this country to grow up here went to school here, have been contributing and have attempted to have some kind of a future and we need them in this economic environment," Falcon said.
Trump tweeted Tuesday “Many of the people in DACA, no longer very young, are far from angels.”
The Supreme Court is expected to rule sometime next year.