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When it comes to setting up utilities in a new home, Arizonans don't have much choice because electrical services are determined based on where people live.
The Arizona Corporation Commission decided APS’s service territory in 1912 and the areas have changed over the years but always with commission approval. SRP and other government entities like city of Mesa established their own territories. APS and SRP service territory disputes were resolved in 1955 with an agreement approved by the commission that set forth who serves what territory.
That led a listener to ask: “Why do APS and SRP need to advertise?”
For Arizona’s two major utility companies, advertising is less about getting new customers and more about communicating with current ones.
Jill Hanks with APS said whether it’s commercials on TV or flyers in the mail, the company’s goal is to deliver information to its 1.2 million customers.
“It could include information on things that they can do to save money on their monthly bills, information on our energy support program that offers discounts to qualified customers and also on crisis bill assistance for when things pop up in a customer’s life that they weren’t expecting," Hanks said.
Kathleen Mascarenas with SRP said their advertisements are designed to be educational.
“When you hear an SRP advertisement, you are receiving a message about energy efficiency, water conservation, some type of stewardship," Mascarenas said. "Sustainability is very important to us.”
SRP serves a slightly smaller population with about 1 million customers.