Currently, Arizona law allows — but doesn’t require — schools to offer age-appropriate sex education courses to any grade level. State Sen. Sylvia Allen wanted to outlaw those programs for students younger than the seventh grade.
In order for her bill to pass, she needs Gov. Doug Ducey’s signature — but he says he’s OK with the current law.
“Whatever age we're doing it right now seems to be working," Ducey said.
Allen's bill is in line with a poll written by the Center for Arizona Policy, an organization that defines its mission as "defending the foundational values of life, marriage and family, and religious freedom." The poll found that 47% of Arizona parents thought teaching sex education to students younger than seventh grade was inappropriate.
Ducey disagrees.
"I think a parent has a responsibility and an obligation," he said. "I can only speak for myself on that. I think parents are pretty vocal when they're not happy. That's what I've seen."
Allen's bill will be heard before the Senate Education Committee on Tuesday.