Some disability advocates are hoping state lawmakers will support a bill that could provide an alternative to legal guardianship. It’s called supportive decision making, and it would allow certain individuals to maintain their independence — with some support.
Jon Meyers with the Arc of Arizona says this bill is a big deal among some in the disability community. The measure would allow a person with a disability or a senior citizen to appoint what the bill calls a “supporter.” That person would help the individual understand life decisions, versus making the decision for them.
"It allows them to retain the rights that are typically taken away though guardianship," he said. "To be able to make their own decisions on the major aspects of their lives and that could be where they live, could be where they work, could be who they associate with, could be how they spend their money."
The House bill was held until next week’s judiciary committee meeting. Meyers says some committee members had concerns about the language of the bill.