Several Republican legislators have ignored their party's mantra and are rolling ahead with a proposal to double Arizona's gas tax.
The House Transportation Committee unanimously voted Wednesday for a measure that would raise the gas tax from 18 cents to 24 cents per gallon on July 1, and climb to 36 cents per gallon by 2023.
The bill's sponsor Republican Rep. Noel Campbell has also added an annual levy to keep up with inflation.
"We know what needs to be done in this state. What we lack is the political will to do it" Campbell told committee members, "And if it doesn't happen, then this state isn't going to make any progress."
His proposal could face a dead end with Governor Ducey, who has made it clear he is not interested in signing tax hikes this election year.
One incentive Campbell built in is to require the state transportation board report every five years on how the gas tax dollars are being used. If lawmakers are dissatisfied with how the money is being spent they could put a measure on the ballot recommending voters rescind the additional taxes.