A law passed last year in Arizona expanded the statute of limitations for victims of child sexual abuse to file a civil lawsuit. But the clock is ticking.
The Arizona law allows victims of child sexual abuse to sue up to the age of 30. But it also created a window through the end of the year allowing victims older than 30 to make a civil claim against their abusers.
There are concerns that there is low public awareness of the law. Robert Pastor is representing three new cases against the Diocese of Phoenix under the law.
“A lot of survivors aren’t aware of it. A lot of therapists, counselors, social workers, people who work with survivors of child sexual abuse are unaware of it. And in my personal experience, that’s to be the case,” Pastor said.
Pastor added that survivors of abuse often don’t come forward. But there are options for them, like using a pseudonym in the court to protect their identities.