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Sonoran Maquila Industry Hopes To Begin Slow Restart In Early May

Many of Sonora’s numerous export manufacturing plants have been shuttered for several weeks due to pandemic restrictions. But industry representatives are hoping to begin a slow reopening soon.

Many of those plants — or maquiladoras —are on the border in Nogales, Sonora, where the more than 100 facilities normally employ around 45,000 people. But more than half of them have been sent home. The industry is asking state authorities to allow for an incremental return to full operation starting May 4.

“We’ve been asking for a trickle, because … we do understand the severity of what's going on,” said Joshua Rubin, a board member with Index Nogales, which represents local maquilas. “But we also need to understand that the economy can’t withstand being shut down too much longer.”

Employers are currently required to pay workers sent home at least minimum wage, but the mandated period for such payments for many employers ends soon, according to Rubin.

In order to reopen, he said that plants would implement a number of safety protocols, including issuing masks and gloves, and ensuring appropriate distancing.

Cases have been rising in Sonora, and health officials have said the peak is expected some time in mid-May.

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Murphy Woodhouse was a senior field correspondent at KJZZ from 2018 to 2023.