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AZ Supreme Court Rejects Online Signature Gathering For Ballot Measures

Arizona groups still trying to put measure on the November ballot are going to have to try to get needed signatures the old-fashioned face-to-face way despite the COVID-19 outbreak.

In a brief order Wednesday, the Arizona Supreme Court rebuffed pleas by several organizations to allow them to use an existing online signature-gathering system available to candidates. And the court, in its 6-1 order, was not swayed by the fact that the plea was for the special permission for this year only because of the pandemic.

The court gave no reason for their decision.

But Attorney General Mark Brnovich, whose office argued against allowing the change, said the justices could not provide the relief sought.

"Arizona has had a provision in its constitution since statehood that provides that signatures in the initiative process have to be done by an actual human being,'' he told Capitol Media Services.

The online E-Qual system, by definition, has no circulators, with supporters "signing'' online petitions by providing identifying information through a website maintained by the Secretary of State's Office.

Only Justice Ann Scott Timmer voted to grant the request.

Wednesday's action may seal the fate of initiative drives that had not already collected sufficient signatures by the middle of March when the virus erupted and Gov. Doug Ducey closed many businesses and directed Arizonans to stay home. A similar request was rebuffed by a federal judge, a decision, upheld by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

That leaves the question of what will be on the ballot for voters to consider.

One measure that appears to have at least the bare minimum 237,645 signatures needed is the Smart and Safe Arizona Act, which seeks to legalize the recreational use of marijuana for adults. Spokeswoman Stacy Pearson said circulators already have more than 300,000, enough to provide a margin should some signatures turn out to be invalid and there are challenges made to other petitions.

Less clear are the fates of two other measures.

One would put a 3.5% surcharge on taxable income above $250,000 for individuals and $500,000 for couples to raise about $940 million a year for public education. The other would allow judges to impose shorter prison sentences than now required under "truth in sentencing'' laws and permit inmates sentenced for nondangerous offenses to be released after serving 50% of their time, versus the current 85%.

Pearson, who represents both, said the signature gathering had continued through the governor's stay-at-home order. She said circulators put the petitions on a clipboard, stepped back, let the person sign it in their presence, and then picked it up.

She said while neither currently has gathered sufficient signatures, the deadline to file petitions is not until July 2. And Ducey just this week announced he was lifting his stay-at-home order.

Other proposals, though, are dead.

That includes the Save Our Schools Act, which sought to ask voters to limit the number of vouchers of state tax dollars that parents can use to send their children to private and parochial schools.

It would have prohibited the state from issuing vouchers to more than 1% of total children enrolled in public schools. With about 1.1 million students in traditional district and charter schools, that would have set the cap at about 11,000.

"We had a robust start and, had that continued, we would have been fine,'' said Dawn Penich-Thacker, one of the organizers. She also said the group did not have a lot of money to hire paid circulators.

"Our own network is passionate about the issue,'' Penich-Thacker said. "But they're not comfortable going door to door, not social distancing, and we're not going to ask them to do that.''

Also dead is a proposal that was being pushed by the National Credit Alliance to overturn virtually all of the laws that now limit annual interest charges on loans to 36% a year. Sean Noble, who was managing the campaign for the lenders, had called it a "stand against socialism,'' arguing that the question of interest rates should be a free-market decision.

Noble said the issue is not dead, envisioning a similar effort for the 2022 ballot.

There never was any legal dispute but that Arizona law requires initiative petitions to be signed in the presence of the circulator.

But attorney Roopali Desai pointed out that state lawmakers have allowed themselves and other political candidates to gather their signatures online. Desai, representing four separate initiative campaigns, argued that the constitutional right of Arizonans to propose their own laws and constitutional amendments entitles people to that same access.

If nothing else, Desai said that the "current exigencies'' of the virus and the governor's orders should allow initiative organizers to have access to that system, at least for this year.

Brnovich said that's not a decision for courts to make.

"The constitution is very clear on this,'' he said. "If petitioners don't like what the constitution says they need to work on changing the constitution.''

Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, opted not to oppose the effort to use the E-Qual system, calling it a "reasonable request'' in light of the pandemic. Brnovich, a Republican, criticized that move.

"I'm a big believer that when you're elected to a statewide office you have to fulfill your duties and responsibilities,'' he said. "It is a little head-scratching when the state's chief election officer is consistently unwilling to defend state election laws.''

Desai wasn't the only one seeking special relief for initiative circulators this year. Attorney Jim Barton made similar arguments to U.S. District Court Judge Dominic Lanza in seeking federal court relief.

In a ruling last month, Lanza acknowledged that the pandemic "is currently wreaking havoc'' on the ability of initiative organizers to get signatures. But he said it is not making it impossible, pointing out that some groups may already have qualified.

More significant, he accepted arguments by Brnovich that the failure to get the signatures may be at least partly the fault of organizers. He said the two committees suing in his court didn't start organizing and gathering signatures until the second half of last year while other groups began their operations right after the 2018 election.

Finally, Lanza said it is possible that the conditions of the pandemic will abate ahead of the July 2 deadline.

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