If you’re planning to head to a U.S. District Court in the District of Arizona, be prepared to wear a mask.
Chief U.S. District Court Judge Murray Snow issued a new order Thursday including a requirement that all visitors and staff at district courthouse in Arizona must wear a mask.
The order states that masks will be provided to certain court visitors, including those called for jury duty.
Courthouse regulars must bring their own masks.
And while a moratorium on some court proceedings at district court in Phoenix and Tucson is lifted as of June 1, stricter operating procedures remain at courthouses in other parts of the state.
The U.S. District Court in Flagstaff will remain partially closed through June, and jury trials are cancelled through July.
Snow cited the high prevalence of COVID-19 in Apache, Navajo and Coconino counties.
Some court proceedings can resume in Yuma, but they must be conducted remotely.