Some Arizona lawmakers say it’s time to revisit state laws granting Gov. Doug Ducey’s broad emergency powers.
Senate President Karen Fann says these powers were intended for 30 to 60 days, not six months. However, Ducey Chief of Staff Daniel Scarpinato says COVID-19 is exactly why the powers were created.
"The point of emergency powers is that it's an emergency. And there is no end in sight on this one," Scarpinato said. "So to have a date certain of when it would end would be really irresponsible.”
But that would ultimately mean the governor’s power, without legislative input, could continue indefinitely.
Republican Rep. Mark Finchem says there needs to be a point that the governor comes to the Legislature. But he and Fann agree that this is not about Ducey’s actions thus far, but is about any governor having “unlimited, unrestrained power.”
Julia Shumway with the Arizona Capitol Times joined The Show to talk more about the issue.