MEXICO CITY — A year ago, a gunman killed 23 people at an El Paso Walmart. Eight Mexican citizens were among the dead, and eight others were wounded, targeted by ethnicity. The Mexican government plans to create an institute to pay tribute to the victims.
According to U.S. authorities, the shooter said he wanted to stop a Hispanic invasion of Texas and to kill as many Mexicans as possible. The Mexican government considers the shooting a terrorist attack.
Now, Mexico is planning the creation of the César Chávez North American Spanish Language Digital Institute.
The Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Ebrard, said the institute’s goal will be to spread Mexican Spanish and culture to dignify Mexican communities abroad.
According to the secretary, the institute is an homage to the El Paso victims and will fight against linguistic supremacism.
The institute will operate first in the U.S. and Canada, and later expand to other regions of the world.