Northern Arizona University listed its COVID-19 related expectations for students for the fall semester which starts on Aug. 12 in a Friday statement.
"We are providing strong, direct communication to our students that conveys our expectations for their conduct both on and off campus and penalties for non-compliance," said university President Rita Cheng. "We are determined to fully enforce our student code of conduct as it relates to mask-wearing and physical distancing, which ultimately calls for suspension or expulsion from the university if inappropriate behavior persists."
The university is asking all students to refrain from hosting or attending in-person social gatherings. NAU is communicating its expectations to every student organization, including fraternities and sororities to ensure they understand that any deviation from the university's policies will not be tolerated..
The university is also encouraging students to shop during off-peak hours which are generally after 7 p.m. on weekdays and Sundays. Religious students are encouraged to worship responsibly via physically-distanced or video-streamed services when available.