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Some Musical Instruments Could Help Spread COVID-19

Coronavirus spreads in part via aerosolized droplets propelled into the air by breathing, coughing, speaking or singing.

Now, new  research shows why venues from churches to concert halls might need to take further precautions.

After measuring the output of 10 woodwind and brass instruments, researchers found tubas produce fewer aerosols than normal breathing.

Piccolos, flutes, bass clarinets, French horns and clarinets were roughly equivalent to normal breathing and speaking.

Trumpets, oboes and bass trombones put out substantially more aerosols than speaking, researchers found.

The pattern seems to reflect the mouthpiece and breathing techniques used.

Likewise, longer, narrower and "bendier" tubes appear to offer more opportunities for droplets to become trapped inside the instrument.

The preliminary study, which has not been peer reviewed, appears on medRxiv.org.

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Nicholas Gerbis was a senior field correspondent for KJZZ from 2016 to 2024.