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University Of Arizona Still Offering Antibody Tests To General Public; Initial Demand Underwhelming

The University of Arizona’s program to test 250,000 people for COVID-19 antibodies hasn't gotten the public demand that was expected.

Instead, only about 50,000 people have been tested, including students and faculty who were given first priority. 

Deepta Bhattacharya, a professor of immunobiology at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, says there are still tests available.

"I am anticipating and hopeful that now that the vaccines are starting to roll out there's going to be people who want to confirm that they mounted a good antibody response to the vaccine, and so there's probably going to be a good likelihood of immunity for some time,” Bhattacharya said.

So far, it seems that immunity is at least seven months because that’s as long as it’s been since observation began.

On Wednesday, Gov. Doug Ducey provided the three state universities with millions in CARES Act funds. UA received $46 million to reimburse the school for earlier expenses.

The University of Arizona will continue to make the antibody tests available. Anyone interested in antibody testing can sign up at covid19antibodytesting.arizona.edu.

→  Get The Latest News On COVID-19 In Arizona 

Jill Ryan joined KJZZ in 2020 as a morning reporter, and she is currently a field correspondent and Morning Edition producer.