Monday marked the return of in-person instruction for classes of up to 50 students at the University of Arizona now that COVID-19 data in the state and Pima County are trending in the right direction.
Along with this change, the university is relaxing some of its COVID-19 rules in dorms and allowing residents to access amenities like game tables and hang out with guests in common areas.
“Students have written expressing interests in these resources which help to alleviate stress and I am pleased that we are able to reinstate their use consistent with CDC guidance," said Dr. Richard Carmona who's leading the university’s re-entry task force.
That means continuing to wear masks and physical distancing from others.
But Provost Liesl Folks said the university knows there may be students who signed up for an in-person class months ago who may no longer be comfortable with that. The university will continue to provide remote options for those students, she said.
“That might mean for example that the instructor provides reading materials and assignments for them to do on their own time," Folks said. "It might mean that they watch a video of the live class after it’s been recorded and posted.”
Students on campus for in-person classes are required to get tested for COVID weekly. Those who don’t comply will risk losing access to campus Wi-Fi. Alerts of non-compliance have begun to go out. Off-campus students can disregard these messages, she said.