Nearly 3.2 million Arizonans have now had at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. But the number of doses given out in Arizona has been falling each week since early April and most Arizonans still have not had a vaccine.
About 44% of the state's population is vaccinated as of Thursday. Our state’s rate remains below the national average, which is now about 48%. Experts think containment of the virus will require closer to 80% of the population to be immunized.
Parts of Scottsdale, downtown Phoenix and Sun City West have some of the highest rates of vaccination in the Valley, with more than 80% of eligible residents vaccinated in some ZIP codes, according to Maricopa County Public Health.
Women continue to get vaccinated in higher numbers than men nationwide. In Maricopa County, nearly half of eligible women are vaccinated, but just 44% of eligible men have had a shot. The county's vaccination rates remain highest among Native Americans and lowest among Latinos.
Anyone over 12 is now eligible for a shot in Arizona.
→ Q&AZ: What You Need To Know About Getting The Coronavirus Vaccine In Arizona