While life in our state might be getting back to normal, COVID-19 cases in Arizona have been ticking up.
In the last week, cases here have increased by about 15%. The state’s Department of Health Services reported 413 new cases June 28.
A year of quarantining, distancing protocols and the administration of millions of vaccines has helped temper COVID-19 transmission since earlier this year when the state saw a record high of more than 12,000 cases on Jan. 4.
But now, public health professionals are watching a new variant of the virus closely: the Delta variant.
It’s had a devastating impact in other countries like England, and officials are closely tracking its spread in the U.S. — as well as here in Arizona.
The Show spoke with University of Arizona’s Dr. Shad Marvasti to learn more about this recent uptick in cases and how significant it is.
Arizona Coronavirus Cases, Deaths